BIRAJA NDT SERVICE Able to Provide a High quality and efficient NDT Service

BIRAJA NDT SERVICE Able to Provide a High quality and efficient NDT Service

BIRAJA NDT SERVICE Able to Provide a High quality and efficient NDT Service

BIRAJA NDT SERVICE Able to Provide a High quality and efficient NDT Service
About Us
BIRAJA NDT SERVICE has been established and registered since 2019, with ISO – 9001:2015 certified. BIRAJA NDT SERVICE is a customer-focused and technology-driven Organization that offers Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and inspection services to clients in various industries, with a primary focus on power plant (boiler) testing. The company prides itself on providing high-quality and efficient services, with a commitment to delivering customized solutions that meet each client’s specific needs and requirements. BIRAJA NDT SERVICE has extensive experience and expertise in various NDT techniques, including Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Visual Testing, and Radiographic Testing & Film Interpretation. With a strong emphasis on quality, independence, and confidentiality, BIRAJA NDT SERVICE is well-positioned to help its clients ensure the safety and reliability of their equipment and infrastructure.
Our Services

Ultrasonic Testing
High-frequency sound waves used to detect flaws or changes in material properties.

Magnetic Particle Testing:
Inducing a magnetic field into a material and applying magnetic particles to the surface to detect discontinuities.

Liquid Penetrant Testing
Detecting surface-breaking defects by applying a liquid penetrant and developer.

Visual Testing
Inspection of materials and components using the naked eye or specialized equipment.

Radiographic Testing & Film Interpretation
Use of X-rays or gamma rays to produce an image of the internal structure of materials, and interpreting the image for defects.

Ultrasonic thickness measurement
Ultrasonic thickness measurement is a non-destructive testing technique used to determine the thickness of a material.
Our Major Clients